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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Xray nose and nasopharyngral airways

A rare depiction of good anatomy on xray of nose/ naso pharynx showing frontal sinus ethmoidal sinus superior me at us ethmoidal recess middle and inferior turbinate adenoid and nasopharynx

All very clearly in single xray.
I had often called this as Sea horse Sign

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Informed consent document ICD format

Title o the study:
Title of the sheet:
You are invited to participate in the clinical research study.
Why the study needs to be conducted?

What actually will be done in the study?

How long study may take? How much time I need o take out for study?

Why am I being requested to participate in study?

Are there any benefits of participation?

How many such subjects will be in the study?

What are risks/ inconvenience ilvolvwd?

What will the cost of participation?

Will my results be informed to me?

Is my participation compulsory?

Will by details be available to any general public?

Can I withdraw from study?

How does my participation remain confidential?

Who will take care of mishaps during the study and its expenses?

Is similar study is approved in the hospital going on?

Who should I contact for more information or complaints?
1. Principal investigator
2. co investigators
3. Ethics committee secretary and contact number?

I here declare that I have read through the informed consent document and understood in details. I have no confusion abot study procedures and I consent voluntarily as a participant for said clinical study.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Informed consent document ICD format

Title o the study:
Title of the sheet:
You are invited to participate in the clinical research study.
Why the study needs to be conducted?

What actually will be done in the study?

How long study may take? How much time I need o take out for study?

Why am I being requested to participate in study?

Are there any benefits of participation?

How many such subjects will be in the study?

What are risks/ inconvenience ilvolvwd?

What will the cost of participation?

Will my results be informed to me?

Is my participation compulsory?

Will by details be available to any general public?

Can I withdraw from study?

How does my participation remain confidential?

Who will take care of mishaps during the study and its expenses?

Is similar study is approved in the hospital going on?

Who should I contact for more information or complaints?
1. Principal investigator
2. co investigators
3. Ethics committee secretary and contact number?

I here declare that I have read through the informed consent document and understood in details. I have no confusion abot study procedures and I consent voluntarily as a participant for said clinical y

posted from Bloggeroid